Oxford Hip Score

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Oxford Hip Score

Oxford Hip Score 

What is the Oxford Hip Score?

  • It is intended to measure and assess function and pain.

What does it involve?

  • There are 12 questions relating to different situations where you may have reduced function or pain.
  • Once you have scored each question the values are added together to give an indication of the severity of your symptoms.

All questions marked with a * are mandatory

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Oxford Hip Questions

During the past 4 weeks..

How would you describe the pain you usually have in your hip?: *
Have you been troubled by pain from your hip in bed at night?: *
Have you had any sudden, severe pain (shooting, stabbing, or spasms) from your affected hip?: *
Have you been limping when walking because of your hip? : *
For how long have you been able to walk before the pain in your hip becomes severe (with or without a walking aid)?: *
Have you been able to climb a flight of stairs? : *
Have you been able to put on a pair of socks, stockings or tights?: *
After a meal (sat at a table), how painful has it been for you to stand up from a chair because of your hip? : *
Have you had any trouble getting in and out of a car or using public transportation because of your hip? : *
Have you had any trouble with washing and drying yourself (all over) because of your hip?: *
Could you do the household shopping on your own? : *
How much has pain from your hip interfered with your usual work, including housework? : *

Indication of Severe Hip Arthritis

, you have a score of 

A score of 0 to 19 may indicate severe hip arthritis.

  • It is highly likely that you may well require some form of surgical intervention.
  • Please submit this assessment to the surgery by continuing to the next page

Indication of Moderate to Severe Hip Arthritis

, you have a score of 

A score of 20 to 29 may indicate moderate to severe hip arthritis.

  • You may require an assessment and x-ray.
  • Please submit this assessment to the surgery by continuing to the next page

Indication of Mild to Moderate Hip Arthritis 

, you have a score of 

A score of 30 to 39 may indicate mild to moderate hip arthritis.

Your GP may suggest that you have an assessment and possible x-ray.

  • You may benefit from non-surgical treatment, such as exercise, weight loss, and /or anti-inflammatory medication.
  • If you would like to send this assessment to the surgery please continue to the next page

Satisfactory Joint Function 

, you have a score of 

A score of 40 to 48 may indicate satisfactory joint function. You may not require any formal treatment.

  • However, if you would like to send this assessment to the surgery please continue to the next page

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