Epworth Sleepiness Scale

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Epworth Sleepiness Scale

Epworth Sleepiness Scale 

What is the Epworth Sleepiness Scale?

  • It is intended to measure daytime sleepiness and is helpful in diagnosing sleep disorders.

What does it involve?

  • There are 8 questions relating to different situations where you might fall asleep.
  • Once you have scored each question the values are added together to give an indication of the severity of your symptoms.

All questions marked with a * are mandatory

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Epworth Sleepiness Review

How likely are you to doze off or fall asleep in the following situations, in contrast to feeling just tired?

  • This refers to your usual way of life in recent times.
  • Even if you have not done some of these things recently, try to work out how they would have affected you.
Sitting and Reading: *
Watching TV: *
Sitting, inactive in a public place (e.g. a theatre or a meeting): *
As a passenger in a car for an hour without a break: *
Lying down to rest in the afternoon when circumstances permit: *
Sitting and talking to someone: *
Sitting quietly after lunch without alcohol: *
In a car, while stopped for a few minutes in traffic: *
A score of 0 to 10

Indication of Normal Sleepiness 

, you have a score of 

You may not require any formal treatment

  • However, if you would like to send this assessment to the surgery please continue to the next page
A score of 11 to 14

Indication of Mild Sleepiness 

, you have a score of 

Your GP may suggest that you have an assessment. 

If you would like to send this assessment to the surgery please continue to the next page

A score of 15 to 18

Indication of Moderate Sleepiness

, you have a score of 

Your GP may suggest that you have an assessment

  • Please submit this assessment to the surgery by continuing to the next page
A score of 19 to 24

Indication of Severe Sleepiness

, you have a score of 

Your GP may suggest that you have an assessment.

  • Please submit this assessment to the surgery by continuing to the next page

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